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EY|Whale Class on Their Natural Phenomena Learning Journey

发布时间:2023年11月29日 16:07 编辑: 

This week, the children in the Whale Class embarked on a new transdisciplinary theme of study called "How the World Works" with a focus on natural phenomena. With the children's interest and exploration as a starting point, the little whales will delve into related information within the context of the theme, thereby extending their knowledge, as well as enhancing their learning pattern and developing various learning skills.


This week, we introduced the background of the activities through the storybook "Day and Night," which serves as a set induction for the concept of daytime and nighttime. We initiated collaborative activities among peers while prompting the children to think and discuss the following questions:

Q1: What does the world look like during daytime and nighttime?

Q2: What activities do we usually do during daytime and nighttime?

Q3: Are there any activities that we do both during daytime and nighttime?

The children came up with many creative ideas, and we decided to present these ideas.


Group 1 Creating A Daytime Box


Nina: I can see trees during daytime. 我在白天可以看到树。


Zoe: I can see flowers during daytime. 我在白天可以看到花。


Aaron: I can see slides during daytime. 我可以在白天看到滑梯。


This is our ‘daybox’, we can  seecar, flowers, trees,  rainbow and the sun during daytime. 小鲸鱼们制作完成了“白天盒子”,在白天:我们可以看到汽车,花朵,树木,彩虹,太阳。



Group 2 Creating A Nighttime Box


Everyone agreed, "the night box" should be black! 小朋友们一致认为“黑夜盒子”必须是黑色的。


Summy: I can make an owl for the night box. 我可以在晚上看见猫头鹰。


Ann: We need a moon. 我们需要一个月亮!


Sharing & exchanging


Parent-Child Collaboration: Exploring Day and Night

To promote home school collaboration, we organised some cooperative activities for parents and children at home. To enhance the little whales' understanding of the concept of day and night, we facilitated a collaborative project where parents and children worked together to create dedicated daytime and nighttime boxes. This extended the school activities to the family, allowing parents and children to engage in discussions and complete a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire included a series of simple and interesting questions to stimulate the children's curiosity and inspire their thinking abilities. The children were enthusiastically encouraged to embark on explorations and indulge in their imaginations. The following day, they eagerly shared their discoveries and observations with the entire class.




Communication in Learning Community


We also facilitated a learning community exchange activity where we paid a visit to our primary school on Monday. During the visit, our focus was on understanding and exploring the perspectives and experiences of older students regarding natural phenomena. We engaged in meaningful discussions as the older students generously shared numerous captivating stories and observations about various fascinating natural phenomena they were familiar with. The valuable insights and knowledge shared by these students proved to be immensely beneficial for our EY3 little whales, enabling them to acquire a wealth of information about natural phenomena. This enriching experience within our learning community was truly rewarding and enlightening.


Through a dynamic blend of teacher-student discussions, peer interactions, sharing sessions led by older students, and constant guidance and communication from parents, the EY3 students underwent a remarkable transformation. They emerged as confident communicators, courageous Risk-takers, curious Inquirers, and critical Thinkers. This transformative journey was facilitated by their unwavering commitment to exploring and delving deeper into the intricacies of natural phenomena. With each exploration, the children steadily constructed a solid foundation of knowledge and understanding, fostering their intellectual growth and development.
