This policy is the first in the set of Student Wellbeing Policies and should be read in conjunction with the Fettes College Guangzhou, Positive Behaviour Policy. It aims to set out a clear process to be followed when students fail to exhibit the type of behaviour required of them by Fettes College Guangzhou. It does not aim to establish an exhaustive list of rights and responsibilities and it cannot detail specific or absolute responses to all cases of inappropriate or offensive behaviour. It recognises that individual cases must be treated with due concern, empathy, and pastoral discretion. It presumes a high degree of effective interaction and cooperation between FCG and the parents. At the same time, it recognises the need for clear behavioural boundaries for students and a need for each situation to be taken seriously and responded to with justice and compassion.
The policy covers conduct at school, in Boarding, at official school functions and at all other school activities.
Communication: Communication and cooperation between teachers, Heads of School and parents is essential to ensure balanced and appropriate outcomes for students whose behaviour does not meet FCG’s outlined expectations. Teachers should not work in isolation and parents should be kept informed.
Professional Responsibility: Teachers are responsible for the management of behaviour in their classrooms to ensure safety and an effective learning environment in their classrooms, when on field trips and on school grounds. Teachers are expected to use well-established best practice classroom management techniques.
Consistency: Students need, and expect consistency in approach at all times. Therefore, the approach taken to student behaviour management at FCG will be a whole school approach.
Process-Driven: Student Management must be viewed as a process in which the overall needs and performance of the student as well as their teachers and peers are considered. The process is highly structured and the principles of good management demand that incidents be dealt with at the most immediate and local level. A student not complying with behaviour expectations are subject to an established process including the teacher and appropriate members of SLT.
Restorative Justice: In considering the seriousness and the consequences of misbehaviour, FCG will promote, as a priority, the restoration of right relationships between the parties. This is essential after a student management issue occurs in class to effectively and positively reincorporate the students into class. Teachers will actively support students to enable students to remain on track academically and will encourage the student to be reincorporated into class. Heads of School and Head of Pastoral, in particular, will use the three key questions below when managing a situation with students:
What were you thinking at the time?
Who have you hurt with your actions? and How can you fix this situation?
Students who misbehave will be offered appropriate advice on methods of improving behaviour and staff will aim to bring about reconciliation between the student and the offended party.
In-School and Out Of School Suspensions (ISS and OSS): At times, it is appropriate to separate a student from the learning environment. Depending on the severity of the incident, and with proper context in mind, students may be given ISS or OSS. Parents and other stakeholders will be informed. Senior administration will work to make this experience meaningful for the student who is suspended.
Assistance: Appropriate support services are offered to staff, students and parents. Access to FCG Counselling Staff is available to a student at any stage of a Student Management process.
Substance Abuse: FCG will always view any form of substance abuse seriously. Students are never to bring alcoholic substances or any drug of addiction onto FCG property. This will invoke an immediate suspension. Anyone found trading in illegal substances will be reported to the appropriate authorities and will jeopardise their place at FCG. The use of tobacco products anywhere on FCG property or during school hours is unacceptable and prohibited.
Bullying/Harassment: Any form of harassment or bullying of any other member of FCG’s community is a serious disregard for the dignity of others and has no place in this environment. All infringements which are made known to staff will be taken seriously by FCG. Bullying and harassment is covered in detail in separate policies. (See School Counter-Bullying Policy)
Vandalism: Vandalism of any form is a denial of the right of others to a proper working environment and will be treated seriously by FCG. Students reasonably suspected of willful damage to the property of FCG or its members will be expected to pay for the damages they caused prior to returning to school.
Records: The keeping of accurate records is the essence of this policy and the Heads of School and Head of pastoral care are the key people for record management in this process. The HOPC ensures that there is an appropriate response to inappropriate behaviour and keeps other parties informed. Discussion between students, parents and staff is encouraged at all stages. Heads of School and HOPC will agree on the Managebac records to be maintained year to year. Records at all stages will be treated with appropriate confidentiality.
Initial Response: The class teacher is always responsible for initiating and following through the appropriate response. When the teacher feels that particular poor behaviour is becoming frequent and is affecting learning in the classroom, the matter should be brought to the attention of the Heads of School. Similarly, they will enlist the aid of the HOPC at what he, or she, judges the appropriate time and, in turn, the Heads of College will be formally involved.
Degrees Of Severity: There are differing levels of seriousness of student behaviour and penalties should reflect this, with serious infringements naturally incurring more substantial penalties. Penalties are applied according to where a student is in the overall process and not according to the degree of emotional involvement of the staff involved, or the public nature of the offence.
Appendix 1
FCG Code Of Conduct
Promote respect for fellow students and staff members
All students are expected and required to behave in a respectful manner toward other students, staff members, and property. In particular, the school adheres to a zero tolerance policy toward any language or behaviour that intimidates, belittles, or causes physical or emotional injury to others.
Promote respect for all individuals
The school is fortunate to have a very diverse student population from a variety of ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds and strives to provide an environment where all students can feel comfortable and thrive. For this reason, certain behaviours are strictly prohibited on School premises. These include but are not limited to. the use of derogatory statements in reference to one's race. sexuality, gender expression, ethnicity, culture, or religious background.
Promote individual and community responsibility
Each student is responsible and will be held accountable for his/her own language and actions. This responsibility extends to any knowledge of misconduct by other students. If a student is aware of misconduct by another student, it is his/her responsibility to inform a staff member. Withholding such information may be considered a Disciplinary Violation. Staff members make every effort to ensure the confidentiality of a student who reports misconduct by a classmate and will invoke appropriate sanctions against any student who responds to another in a retaliatory manner. Staff members will not tolerate bullying or cheating, and neither should students. Please note that plagiarism is considered cheating.
Provide a safe environment for students
It is the responsibility of all students to immediately inform a staff member about any possible threat to student or staff member safety, health, or property that they have observed or have knowledge. Withholding such information may be considered a Disciplinary Violation.
Provide a disruption-free, educational environment
NO student may disrupt another student's learning. Classroom disruptions of any kind may be considered a Disciplinary Violation.
Appendix 2
FCG General Rules
Compliance with all applicable laws and rules.
No possession of weapons, objects that could be used as weapons, or simulated weapons of any kind.
No possession, use, or attendance under the influence of tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and vaping materials; drugs; unauthorised prescription medication; alcohol; or any other dangerous, illegal, or controlled substance.
No physical or verbal aggression against or abuse of persons or property.
No sexual advances or derogatory or suggestive comments about one's own or another individual's sexual orientation.
No display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures.
No public display of intimate affection (e.g., kissing, lap-sitting).
No use of profanity or verbal abuse of any persons.
No harassment or bullying.
No chewing gum anywhere on school premises, and no food or non-water drinks in the classroom.
No possession or unauthorised use of matches, lighters, or explosive materials.
Compliance with all written rules and procedures provided and/or posted throughout the school premises, including emergency procedures.
Compliance with verbal directions of staff members.
Arrival at class or any required School activity on time and appropriately equipped.
Attendance at all scheduled classes and all required School activities.
Immediately reporting (to staff members) the actions and/or words of another member of the school community that are believed to violate School rules.
No sale of any products or goods on School premises or at School-sponsored activities, except when authorised by the Heads of College.
No unauthorised use of the FCG names and/or logos. The FCG name and logos are protected trademarks covered by applicable law.
No unauthorised personal photography on the school campus or during School events without the written permission of the Heads of School.
No photos taken at the school, whether authorised or not, may be posted on the internet or in any other public forum without written permission from the Heads of School.
Staff members are authorised to use reasonable physical force in self-defence, defence of others, and defence of property. Staff members are also authorised to use reasonable physical force in cases where, after repeated verbal warnings, a student refuses to obey instructions in accordance with the school’s disciplinary policy.
Appendix 3
Academic Integrity
At Fettes College Guangzhou, we take Academic Integrity very seriously. Any form of academic dishonesty, cheating, or plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be considered discipline violations.
Common Forms of Academic Dishonesty:
Copying from another student (word-for-word or main ideas) on homework, essays, tests, quizzes or any written assignment and presenting it as your own work. Students who allow others to copy their work are also guilty of academic dishonesty.
Re-using your own work for multiple classes or assignments.
Knowingly misrepresenting quoted evidence.
Allowing tutors, friends or family to write or dictate the direct wording for your writing.
Receiving academic aid from tutors, friends and family is encouraged and permitted so long as the final product the student writes is his/her own original work.
Students Will Be Considered Cheating If Involved in The Following Activities in School:
Cheat sheets.
Looking at another student’s exams, tests, quizzes while the test is happening.
Open books, notes, materials, calculators, phones, or computer use without explicit teacher approval.
Other forms of observed cheating.
Plagiarism is the representation of another's words or ideas as one's own in any academic work. To avoid plagiarism, every direct quotation and paraphrase/summary must be identified with proper citations, which students will be taught.
Any suspicion of academic dishonesty will be immediately referred to the pastoral lead and treated as a discipline violation. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense and will have severe consequences. The result may lead to a failing grade for the assessment task.
On any major external assessment, the possession of any study materials or electronics in the testing room will result in a failing grade automatically. Calculators that are prescribed by the assessment task are excluded.
Common Forms of Plagiarism May Include:
Copying from the internet, downloading printed materials from the internet. using computerized resources or databases without correctly citing sources and turning it in as your own work even if you change a few words.
Copying from books, magazines, or other printed materials without correctly citing sources and turning it in as your own work even if you change a few words.
Failing to give credit for an author's ideas that you have quoted, paraphrased. or summarized in your own words.
Any suspicion of academic dishonesty, cheating or plagiarism will be immediately referred to the pastoral lead and treated as a discipline violation. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense and will have severe consequences.
1st Plagiarism Offense: Student will be allowed to correct and hand in that piece of work again.
Any other incidences of plagiarism will be reported directly to the HoS for review. The result may lead to a failing grade for the piece of work.