Fettes College Guangzhou is dedicated to ensuring that all pupils and staff live together in a safe environment. Safeguarding is central to all that we do and is integral to the ethos of the school. It is the duty of all members of staff, throughout the FCG community, to play an active role in promoting the wellbeing of all our pupils. Pupils must feel that they can take any issues and concerns to an adult confident in the knowledge that they will be treated with respect, listened to and the appropriate action taken. To this end all members of staff, both teaching and support, are trained so that they have knowledge of safeguarding and child protection procedures.
The Aims of the College
Fettes College Guangzhou aims to nurture the individual while fostering a happy well-ordered and caring community with strong family values at its core.
To this end, we will do our utmost to ensure our students:
. Receive the highest possible quality of education within a boarding environment.
. Feel safe, valued, have a sense of personal worth, are thoughtful and considerate of the
needs of others, possessing a willingness to take on responsibility.
. Develop their self-confidence, integrity, emotional resilience, loyalty, good manners and humour, leadership skills and teamwork.
. Value a sense of community and service, and develop a clear sense of right and wrong, equipping them for life beyond Fettes.
. Are provided with equal opportunities regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnic origin or religion.
. Are encouraged to stretch and challenge themselves in everything they undertake.
The Heads of College is ultimately responsible for overseeing all aspects of safeguarding in the School. The Heads of College has designated the Primary Head of Pastoral Care – Mr Stephen Artus to be the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and he is responsible for safeguarding in the college, supported by a team of Deputy Designated Safeguard Leads.
Fettes College Guangzhou Safeguarding Team
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Mr Stephen Artus
Deputy DSL Team: Ms Adeline Loong, Ms Vivi Wang

Staff Training:
All members of the DSL Team have Level 3 Safeguarding Training or above.
All members of staff are trained twice annually in safeguarding and are expected to follow the Safeguarding procedures. These are also reviewed annually and the guidelines on safeguarding are issued to all members of staff. A Code of Conduct for Staff is issued at the start of the academic year and signed by staff.
Recruitment procedures rigorously check the suitability of adults to work with children. Our safer recruitment policy reflects best practice and is updated every year.